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Shooting Stage

Shooting Stage

My shooting stage for astrophotography is situated on the roof of my house, conveniently located on the ring road. This vantage point offers me a unique perspective of the night sky. To the east, the sky has a Bortle scale rating of 4.5, indicating moderately dark skies with relatively low light pollution. This darker sky in the eastern direction allows for clearer views of celestial objects and enhances the overall quality of my astrophotography. To the west, the sky has a slightly higher Bortle scale rating of 5.6. While it is not as dark as the eastern side, it still offers reasonably good conditions for astrophotography. The light pollution is slightly more pronounced, but with proper techniques and equipment, I can still capture stunning images of the cosmos. Overall, my shooting stage on the roof, situated on the ring road, provides a fantastic platform for my astrophotography hobby. It combines a favorable location with different sky conditions, allowing me to capture the wonders of the night sky from the comfort of my own home.